Saturday, July 09, 2011

Emily Barker & The Cellars at Eastney

Earlier this year I enjoyed a marvellous evening at The Cellars in Eastney sampling the music of Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo. I must confess that my interest in attending said gig was a mixture of "Oh, they did the theme to Wallander didn't they?" and "Ahh.. they've supported Frank Turner so they must be good".  

And yes, they played Nostalgia (aka the tune that plays over the opening credits whilst a blue hued Kenneth Branagh emotes), and yes, they were very good; a beautifully performed set that resulted in my being strangely drawn to the merch desk at the end of the evening.

Emily & Co have just announced the dates for their UK tour later this year and, big thumbs up, the foursome will be playing The Cellars on Sunday 6th November.

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