South Coast Five takes place at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea, on Saturday 8th July.
The event is in aid of Cancer Research UK and features, amongst other fine outfits, Brannigan's Law (who have the SoMC's own Ant Shue on rhythm guitar).
Tickets are £10 and are available by contacting the organisers on 07774 051659 or 07789 742215.
Turned out nice again in't it?
The sun is shining, the air-conditioning is fubar again, the baby pigeons in the tree outside the office window have fledged and ickle Tim Henman looks to be on his way out of Wombledon. Oh well. That's the English summer for you. And what to do on these long light evenings now there's a break in the World Cup? I don't really want to check in with the freaks going paranoid in the Big Brother house, and though excellent I've seen Bullitt more times than I can remember. Guess it's time to rearrage the sock drawer again..
Enough of my bimbling, here is the slightly later than usual (due to my having to attend a meeting on Content Management Systems followed by a sojourn in the stores) list of gigs what I found in the back pages of this week's NME:
Rocco DeLuca & The Burden @ The Joiners, Southampton - 03/07/2006
The Pipettes @ The Opera House, Bournemouth - 05/07/2006
The All American Rejects @ The Guildhall, Southampton - 27/09/2006
Hot Chip @ Bournemouth University, Bournemouth - 08/10/2006
Graham Coxon @ The Opera House, Bournemouth - 24/10/2006
The Divine Comedy @ The Pyramids, Portsmouth - 31/10/2006
New Found Glory @ The Guildhall, Southampton - 28/11/2006
I'll add the above onto the Son of Music Club's Events Calendar. There they'll join all the other gigs I stumble across on my forays across the interweb, for example:
Steve Arnott @ The Frog & Frigate, Southampton - 30/06/2006
Dead!Dead!Dead! @ Talking Heads, Southampton - 09/07/2006 (Charity Showcase)
Glenn Tilbrook & The Fluffers @ The New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth - 12/07/2006
Regina Spektor @ The Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth - 26/07/2006 (rescheduled from 27/06/2006)
Wilko Johnson @ The Brook, Southampton - 05/08/2006
Hugh Cornwell @ The Cellars At Eastney, Portsmouth - 18/08/2006
I'll also be adding in details of the South Coast Five charity event in aid of Cancer Research UK which takes place at the Royal Beach Hotel in Southsea on the 8th of July. There are 5 bands on the bill, including Brannigan's Law (which, as you all know, features Ant "GuitarMeister ShredKing RiffHero LickMonger Professor of Rhythm" Shue* on rhythm guitar and backing vocals).
Once again, if you want to peruse the invaluable repository of local gigness that is the Events Calendar, for more information on the South Coast Five gig or any of the others mentioned, just point your browser at the forum and log in (there's bound to be something in there that tickles your fancy, or the fancy of someone you know).
The Events Calendar is but a part of the forum, the rest of it features links to interesting stuff, like some cats who look like Hitler. How freaky is that?
So, that's about it for this week. I'm off to listen to the new Seth Lakeman CD, have a good one..
* that's his official name, he told me so.
Disco Stu has pillaged his record collection to bring us his latest offering, it's 18 tracks of goodness with an Emmental-tastic name (and this is despite him continually telling me that cheese is not my friend).
As for the guy playing the cheese drums on the cover, his name is Hans Bennink (isn't Google great?) and you can see more photos of him using his Gouda drumkit in action here.
"Willkommen zu Gigwatcher", as Pele might say if he was on my mailing list.
The shenanigans in Germany roll on, though now without Ickle Michael Owen who crocked himself a treat last night (having popped my knee a couple of times I know much it hurts). If the sight of the wee man crawling off the pitch wasn't bad enough I then found out that the BBC had cancelled Top of the Pops. So much for Tuesday; Wednesday brought forth a strange quorn and lemon mayo concoction in the canteen (interesting) and, of course, the NME:
Four Day Hombre @ The Joiners, Southampton - 14/07/2006
Howling Bells @ @ The Joiners, Southampton - 22/07/2006
Seafood @ The Joiners, Southampton - 29/07/2006
Keane @ Brighton Centre, Brighton - 25/10/2006
I'll add the above onto the Son of Music Club's Events Calendar. There they'll join all the other gigs I stumble across on my forays across the interweb, for example:
Dlugokecki @ The Soul Cellar, Southampton - 23/06/2006 (an acoustic set from the "as heard on Hollyoaks" local singer/songwriter)
Scritti Politti @ The Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth - 10/07/2006
John Otway & Wild Willy Barrett @ Salisbury Arts Centre, Salisbury - 20/07/2006 (the tickets aren't really free. ahem)
Sandi Thom @ The Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth - 19/10/2006
I've also added in details of the Tin Hut Music Festival, which takes place in Stroud (near Petersfield) on the 15th of July. There's a mixed line-up of local(ish) acts taking part, the event itself being held to raise money for the Stroud Village Hall Rebuilding Fund. If you'd like to peruse the Events Calendar for more information on the Tin Hut festival (or any of the other) gigs then just aim your browser to the forum and log in (there's bound to be something in there that tickles your fancy).
On the forum there's a link to some quite dodgy 80's music videos and, following the news of TOTP's demise, I revisited Poet's Corner. Oh dear.
And that's it for this week..
The air-conditioner has been fixed and I've stocked up on anti-histamines, therefore the summer has decided to 'do a Ronaldo' and not really bother turning up today. Oh well. On the plus side I have my wee bag of yogurt-coated apricots and this week's NME (featuring a 15 track CD) to keep me entertained. A quick check of the famed back pages has yielded the following:
Dead Kid @ Lennons, Southampton - 22/07/2006
Beth Orton @ The Guildhall, Portsmouth - 13/09/2006
Orson @ The Guildhall, Southampton - 27/10/2006
As per usual I'll add these onto the Son of Music Club's Events Calendar where they'll join all the other gigs I stumble across on my forays across the interweb, such as:
Mach Schau @ The Joiners, Southampton - 17/06/2006
Rocco DeLuca @ The Joiners, Southampton - 03/07/2006
Billy Joel @ The Rose Bowl, Southampton - 14/07/2006
Go West @ Ferneham Hall, Fareham - 05/10/2006 (I was tempted by this, out of sheer curiosity you understand, until I found out the tickets were £20)
I've also added in details of the FREE Sunday afternoon gigs at the Bandstand in Southsea this summer. As with previous years the afternoon gigs are themed, each week offering something different to listen to. There's a broad selection of musical tastes catered for, including Indonesian Samba (no, me either), and there's always the added bonus that the sun might come out.
If you wish to peruse the contents of the Events Calendar for more information on the Bandstand gigs then just point your browser to the forum and log in (there's bound to be something in there that tickles your fancy).
Well, that's it for this week.. remember, if you see a punk rocker with flowers in their hair be sure to laugh and point..
Ahh.. isn't it a lovely day? The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the office's air-conditioner has gone 'tits up' again and the pollen is really making my eyes sore. Yes, the brief annual English flirtation with summer appears to have again arrived. Lovely. And just in time for the World Cup too, which is nice.
Unlike the beautiful game, the Gigwatcher doesn't have jumpers for goalposts, and it's not so much 'two halves' as 'two slices of drivel bread with a yummy peanut butter filling'. It also has a cold bottle of Cherry Diet Coke and a copy of this week's NME, thus:
The Pipettes @ The Joiners, Southampton - 04/07/2006
GoodBooks @ The Joiners, Southampton - 21/07/2006
Howling Bells @ The Joiners, Southampton - 22/07/2006
boykillboy @ Southampton University, Southampton - 20/10/2006
Razorlight @ Brighton Centre, Brighton - 31/10/2006
Primal Scream @ The Guildhall, Southampton - 29/11/2006
Yes, we've not even really started into Festival season and the end of year gigs are being plugged already. As per usual though I'll add these onto the Son of Music Club's Events Calendar, along with all the other gigs I stumble across on my forays across the interweb.
If you wish to interrogate the Events Calendar then just point your browser to the forum and log in (if you're not a fan of football then you may find a live musical event to entertain you).
Well, that's it for this week.. if anyone is off to the IOW Festival this weekend I hope you have a real good time. The crowd are on the pitch, they think it's all over.. etc..
OK, so the Gigwatcher is a day late. I have a valid excuse though, and it's not one involving dogs eating my homework or being swept into another dimension after a bizarre incident involving a rollercoaster then having to fight evil dragons with only my trusted unicorn for company. If you must know I was in the pub.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Dave? In the pub? With his reputation for abstinence? Gadzooks!", but it's true. My sojourn in a local hostelry meant I didn't have time to peruse the NME's back pages. Thankfully today my lunchtime has been alcohol-free, thus:
The Fratellis @ Concorde 2, Brighton - 08/06/2006
The Feeling @ The Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea - 29/06/2006 (this has sold out.. no, I couldn't believe it either)
The Heights @ The Joiners, Southampton - 03/07/2006
Vincent Vincent & The Villains @ The Joiners, Southampton - 09/06/2006
The Automatic @ Concorde 2, Brighton - 19/07/2006
Once again there's not much to report; it's fast approaching festival season so the back pages are full of shiny adverts luring people to stand in fields and watch tiny people on a stage*. As per usual though I'll add these onto the Son of Music Club's Events Calendar, along with all the other gigs I stumble across on my forays across the interweb. Recently added to the Calendar are the following:
Brian Houston @ The Cellars, Eastney - 21/06/2006
Brannigan's Law @ The Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea - 08/07/2006
Blue Oyster Cult @ The Brook, Portswood - 19/07/2006 (!)
Brannigan's Law are, of course, the band featuring the SoMC's very own Ant Shue, and are well worth checking out.
Well, that's about it for this week. I made it safely through my regular drivel without going off on one about Peter Crouch's amazing robot dance. Oh. Oops.
Auf wiedersehen..
* tiny? or far away?