Friday, January 04, 2019

Glastonbrewery 2019

For the most part my memories of attending Glastonbury Festival are good; a wonderful selection of music and entertainment, spread across a sprawling site, enjoyed amongst the excellent company of friends and several thousand other people. Admittedly walking through the mud can become a bit of a chore, any shelter from the elements depends on how much you paid for your tent, the sound of people giggling off nitrous can get very annoying and, obviously, the memory of the Long Drops famed aroma draws a knowing recognition amongst fellow travellers who've experienced its delights.

As I've grown older however the lure of urban festivals, such as The Great Escape in Brighton or Portsmouth's own Victorious, very much appeals; I can enjoy a surfeit of good music, seek shelter from the elements when required, and retire to the comfort of a proper bed at the end of the night. If only there was a way of enjoying Glastonbury in a similar manner, of savouring the music but without the mud or "interesting" toilet facilities? No long walk between stages, no chance of the stage view being blocked by That Guy with a ridiculous flag on a pole. If only.

This thought may well have occurred to the very nice people at the Staggeringly Good Brewery who, having both a tap room and a new music venue at the their disposal, have decided to stream the best of Glasto for the enjoyment of Portsmouth's beer and music loving punters.

Alongside the yet-to-be-announced-but-most-likely-excellent selection acts whose performances will be shown on the big screens will be a selection of the brewery's excellent (and unfined) ales. Add to this the promise of proper toilets, no mud and absolutely no chance at all of being stuck behind someone trying to get their significant other on TV by hoisting them onto their shoulders and it sounds like a winning plan to me. Obviously it won't be the same as being stood in a muddy field in Somerset but that's kind of the whole point. 

Best of all though is the price of the tickets; entry is absolutely FREE (which, given that I like many others missed out on a ticket to the festival's return this year, makes it even more of a bargain). Lovely super smashing great, as the late Jim Bowen was wont to say.

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