Back in January a message popped up on Twitter that caught my attention, it was from the Dials Festival account, querying if there was anyone still out there. Dials which, for those who may not remember, stepped into the fray when Southsea Fest took a years hiatus, had a successful debut before festival retiring itself for SSF's return.
The festival returned, in a smaller form, in 2016 as Dials Days (where
the photo above was taken) before it again disappeared into the shadows
much like Homer Simpson stepping backwards into a hedge.
Time moves on and, as Southsea Fest has also stepped back into the shrubbery, the sight of this tweet piqued my interest. Is Dials returning? Is there a new(ish) festival to fill the SSF hole in my gig calendar? Apparently so as, according to this tweet, we should keep Saturday 6th October free.
Woo, and furthermore, hoo. Here's looking forward to the first announcement of acts playing, and cue happy dance...
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