Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Tenuously Festive Big Lyric Quiz 2011

Christmas. As Andy Williams noted it's the most wonderful time of the year; a few days of over-indulgence and wistful nostalgia, sitting in the bosom of your family whilst trying not to argue over who gets the last good chocolate in the tin of Quality Street. So then, what better time to blow the dust off of a stack of CDs, pore over sleeve-notes and scribble down lyrics? Yes, you're quite right, I've gone and knocked up a lyric quiz again.

In previous years I've given out suitably cheesy prizes for those returning the highest number of correct answers but, for this year, I think it'll be just for fun (although I might change my mind, it depends how well/badly people do). For those who are tempted to run to Google looking for help don't get any ideas about cheating (as every time you cheat an angel's wings fall off); there are rules, read the small print on the quiz for more information. It's supposed to be fun, honest, so massage your brain, click this link to download the PDF, and get cracking.

Good luck and have a very Happy Christmas.

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