Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Introducing the Gigwatcher

For several months now I've been poring over the back pages of the NME, noting down local gigs of interest, and forwarding them on via email to an ever-growing list of recipients.

Why have I been doing this you may ask?

Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm a bit of a gig-whore. If there's someone playing a guitar somewhere and I can drink beer whilst watching them play then chances are I'm there. This is all well and good until you start mentioning to chums and colleagues that you saw The Next Big Thing the night before only for them to wonder why you never mentioned it to them beforehand.

Chances are I did but, to be on the safe side, I thought I'd be helpful and email what looks good to me (or not so good, I'm not picky) to them. That way they're in the loop, I don't get moaned at and we all get to see The Next Big Thing (so we can crap on about how good they used to be when they become HUGE and we don't like them any more).

So, to get somewhere in the vicinity of the point, from next week I'll be blogging the Gigwatchers (as my missives are known) here on the Son of Music Club blog. Umm. Because I can. So there.


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