Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Gigwatcher 02/08/2006

Well, here we are again.

I hope you're all having a lovely super smashing week (note to self, stop inserting Jim Bowen catchphrases into everyday conversation) and not, like me, muttering and swearing at Lotus Notes because of how rubbish it is when it up and abends on you three times in a row [takes deep breath and goes to the happy place]. My regular lunchtime perusal of the back pages of the NME has yielded the following local gigs:

The Young Knives @ Southampton University, Southampton - 08/10/2006
Ladyfuzz @ The Joiners, Southampton - 09/10/2006
Infadels @ The Old Fire Station, Bournemouth - 10/10/2006
James Dean Bradfield @ Concorde 2, Brighton - 15/10/2006 (one for Shaun)
Rye Coalition (plus The Bell Rays) @ Concorde 2, Brighton - 24/10/2006
Delays @ The Opera House, Bournemouth - 20/09/2006
Liam Frost & The Slowdown Family @ The Joiners, Southampton - 29/09/2006
Juliette & The Licks @ The Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea - 15/11/2006

I'll add those onto the Son of Music Club's Events Calendar where they'll join all the gigs I trip over on my journeys across the interweb in an "Oooh, look at what you could've won" sort of way..

Ezio @ Talking Heads, Southampton - 15/09/2006
Jim Bob (ex-Carter USM) @ The Edge of The Wedge, Southsea - 17/09/2006
W.A.S.P @ The Brook, Southampton - 31/10/2006 (no, I couldn't believe it either)
The Wonder Stuff @ The Brook, Southampton - 06/12/2006
Delays @ The Guildhall, Southampton - 20/12/2006

If you'd like to interrogate the multitude of local gigs that the Events Calendar contains just point your browser to the usual place and log in (there's bound to be something in there that floats your boat, or the boat of someone you know, or the boat of that strange guy over there who keeps winking at you).

Apropos of nothing, this Risk-type game is way too addictive for its own good. And that just about wraps it up for this week.. if anyone is off to the Wickham Folk Festival this weekend then chances are I'll see you there, if you're not then I won't.. toodles!

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